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Welcome Hub for International Students

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Infos for International Exchange Students

The International Office  provides comprehensive support to all exchange students and is your first port of call in all matters applications, getting to know Osnabrück, organising your studies, and all administrative issues. An extensive Welcome Week for Exchange Students will take place from April 7 to 12, 2025.

Individual Counselling:

Open Office Hours (no appointment needed)

Sabine Jones: Mon, 14:00-15:30 and Thur, 10:00-12:00

Kathrin Beermann: Tue, 13:30-15:00

Email or phone:

You can also reach out to us at any time via the classic communication channels. Simply write to or call us on +49 541 969 4599.

Infos for International Degree-Seeking Students*

*Students aiming to graduate at Osnabrück University

For all questions regarding applications, admissions and study organisation, international degree-seeking students should contact our Students' Office. For all other questions, such as scholarships, residence and visa issues, housing and health insurance, please contact the International Office. Welcome Sessions for International Degree-Seeking Students will take place on April 4, 11, 17 and 25, 2025.

Individual Counselling:

Open Office Hours (no appointment needed)

Teresa Gehrs: Mon 10:00-12:00 and Wed 11:00-12:30

Email or phone:

You can also reach us at any time via the classic communication channels. Simply write or call us on +49 541 969 4106.

Arriving at your student dorm

Student Dorm

If you have rented a room in the student dorm (operated by the Studierendenwerk Osnabrück), it is essential that you make an appointment with your caretaker for the key handover. You can find his contact details on the supplementary sheet that you receive together with your contract. Additional information on accommodation for exchange studentsis is availablehere. Please note that it is not possible to move into your dorm room on Friday afternoons, Saturdays or Sundays! You would need to book alternative accommodation (hotel, hostel) to cover those days.

Registration and residency

In order to register in Osnabrück and obtain a residence permit (if necessary), we strongly recommend that you attend the appointments with the foreigner's office and the citizens' office during our Welcome Week. We will inform you about the different application modes.

Registering in Osnabrück

Any international students who are unable to attend the appointments for registering with the city during our Welcome Week can register with the Bürgeramt independently. This must be done two weeks within arrival in Osnabrück. You will need your "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" and passport or ID. Please use the online appointment system. Be sure to arrive on time because the time slots are higly streamlinest. If you arrive late, your appointment may be invalid and you would need to book another time slot.

Before your final departure from Osnabrück, you will need to deregister with the city. Please use the online appointment system.


On these pages of the City of Osnabrück you can find more information about


Please have the following documents ready for your appointment and take note of some important information about entry and moving within Germany:

  • Copy of passport (personal page, visa and entry stamp if applicable)
  • Copy of "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" (a document you will receive from your landlord/landlady)

Additional documents required and information about registration / residence permits (not applicable for EU citizens):
Entry without visa (PDF, 0.97 MB)
Entry with visa (PDF, 0.97 MB)
Moving within Germany to Osnabrück (PDF, 0.97 MB)

Extension of the visa

If you are applying to extend your visa, you need to: send all copies in an email to Please attach the following documents:

  • Copy of passport (Personal Page, Visa, Entry Stamp)
  • Copy of visa
  • Copy of health insurance certificate
  • Copy of Certificate of Enrollment
  • Copy of proof of funding (blocked account, confirmation of scholarship, etc.)
  • Copy of Letter of Admission for Studies in Osnabrück

Please note: The system of applying for residence permits and extensions is currently being digitalised. It will soon be possible to apply online.

Welcome Week for International Exchange Students

Our Welcome Week for International Exchange Students (PDF, 487 kB) in Summer Semester 2025 takes place from April 7 to 12, 2025. The programme features information sessions on various topics, city and campus tours, get-togethers and a lot more.

Welcome Week for International Degree-Seeking Students

The International Office additionally offers Welcome Sessions for International Degree-Seeking Students (PDF, 479 kB) in Summer Semester 2025. The Welcome Sessions take place on April 4, 11, 17 and 25, 2025. International degree-seeking students can choose which of the four sessions is most convenient for them. Latecomer's Welcome sessions will also be available for those unable to attend the Welcome Week due to delayed visa processing, etc.

Here is an overview of other important dates and deadlines.

Enrolment for Exchange Students

Step 1: Transfer the semester fee and open a bank account
Please transfer the reduced semester fee of 257,60 € as early as possible to the following account: University of Osnabrück (recipient), Nord LB (bank), DE19250500000199961566 (IBAN), NOLADE2H (BIC), "Ersteinschreiber/in SoSe 24 Your Name" (reason/purpose of transfer). Please make sure to get a proof of payment (e.g. bank transfer confirmation, printout), because you need it for enrolment. Please e-mail your proof of payment at Non-EU students should also open a bank account. Should you need any support in that respect, please contact our tutors during the welcome week.

Step 2: Take out health insurance
Students from the EU can usually be exempted from statutory health insurance, if they have an EHIC . Please e-mail us a copy of your EHIC for enrolment. Students from non-EU countries need health insurance equivalent to German statutory health insurance. The range of services offered by German public health insurance companies (and also the monthly cost) is very comparable. If you also need to open a blocked bank account, you can find further information on the following page. If you have a private health insurance and want to know if it meets the requirements for university enrolment or have any further insurance-related questions, please contact Matthias Kurzawski at TK health insurance:

Step 3: Receive welcome e-mail and upload a photo
The admissions office will send you your welcome letter together with your user data sheet as soon as possible. After 24 hours, you should upload a photo for your CampusCard - you can find out how to do this here (simply follow the images).

Step 4: Pick up and validate your CampusCard
After your photo has been received, the Campuscard  will be produced automatically. However, this may take a while. You can pick up and validate your CampusCard at Studios' infopoint in building 19.

Step 1: Transfer semester fees and open a bank account
Please transfer the semester fee of 361,90 € as early as possible to the following account: University of Osnabrück (recipient), Nord LB (bank), DE19250500000199961566 (IBAN), NOLADE2H (BIC), "Ersteinschreiber/in SoSe24 Your Name" (reason/purpose of transfer). Please make sure to get a proof of payment (e.g. bank transfer confirmation, printout), because you need it for enrollment. Non-EU students should also open a bank account. Most banks offer special student accounts often free of charge. Regardless of which bank you choose, you will likely need your passport, proof of residency/registration (a so-called Anmeldebestätigung or your rental contract) and proof of your enrolment.

Step 2: Take out health insurance

For your studies in Germany, health insurance is statutory. Students from the EU can usually be exempted from statutory health insurance, if they have an EHIC card. Be aware that this exemption has to be valid for the entire duration of your studies! If you would like to obtain such a certificate of exemption, simply visit one of the many public health insurance companies in Osnabrück.
Non-EU students need health insurance equivalent to German statutory health insurance. The range of services offered by public health insurance companies (and also the monthly cost) is very comparable. If you would like to join the Techniker Krankenkasse, for example, please register here. If you have any questions, please contact Matthias Kurzawski. If you would like to join the AOK, please fill out this application (PDF, 123 kB) (application how-to (PDF, 1.10 MB)). If you have any questions, please contact Lucas Draws. You can also contact him if you have a private health insurance and would like to be exempted from statutory health insurance by using this form (PDF, 123 kB) (form how-to (PDF, 399 kB)

Step 3: Apply for enrolment
Please send an email to until March 31 (for summer term) and until September 30 (for winter term) with (1) proof of payment of the semester fees, (2) confirmation of health insurance (or confirmation of exemption from health insurance), (3) a scan of your passport, and (4) other documents if you were requested to do so in your admission letter (if applicable).

Step 4: Receive welcome e-mail and upload a photo
The admissions office will send you your welcome letter together with your user data sheet as soon as possible. After 24 hours, you should upload a photo for your CampusCard - you can find out how to do this here (simply follow the images).

Step 5: Pick up and validate your CampusCard
After your photo has been received, the Campuscard  will be produced automatically. However, this may take a while. You will be notified by the admissions office when the Campuscard has been created. Then, please go to StudiOS' infopoint in person to validate your campuscard and to pick up your welcome folder.

Academic Orientation

International Exchange Students with questions about their course selection, academic integration, or Learning Agreement may find their relevant contact person/department here (PDF, 482 kB). Degree-seeking students are strongly encouraged to contact their department.

Subject Name E-Mail Phone
Social Sciences Mareike Tudor Email phone: 0541 969 4381
Geography Dr. Kim Schumacher Email phone: 0541 969 4276
History Prof. Dr. Christoh Raß Email phone: 0541 969 4912
Art Prof. Dr. Sigrun Jakubaschke-Ehlers Email phone: 0541 969 4157
Textile Design Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt Email phone: 0541 969 4217
IMIS Mira Hazzaa Email        phone: 0541 969 4804
Sophie Hinger (EuMIGS) Email   
Subject Name E-Mail Phone
Inter-Institutional UMD Dr. Claudia Kayser-Kadereit Email phone: 0541 969 4755
Inka Tourgman Email phone: 0541 969 4459
Education Studies  Nora Sperling Email  
Roman Catholic Theology Prof. Dr. Margit Eckholt Email phone: 0541 969 4216
Protestant Theology Prof. Dr. Martin Jung Email phone: 0541 969 4286
Elementary Social Studies and Science Prof. Dr. Eva Gläser Email phone: 0541 969 4122
Sports Science Sönke Kamp Email phone: 0541 969 6080
Islamic Theology Yilmaz Gümüs Email phone: 0541 969 6254
Musicology UMD Dr. Claudia Kayser-Kadereit Email phone: 0541 969 4755
Subject Name E-Mail Phone
Inter-Institutional PD Dr. Heiko Harten Email phone: 0541 969 2858
Dörthe van Eyck Email phone: 0541 969 2831


Subject Name E-Mail Phone
Inter-Institutional Prof. Dr. Michael Gnewuch Email phone: 0541 969 3516
Computer Science Prof. Dr. Markus Chimani Email phone: 0541 969 2428
Mathematics Prof. Dr. Stefan Kunis Email phone: 0541 969 2538
Physics PD Dr. Armen Mulkidjanian Email phone: 0541 969 2698
Systems Science Dr. Jörg Klasmeier Email phone: 0541 969 2574
Subject Name E-Mail Phone
English and American Studies
Prof. Thomas Kullmann Email phone: 0541 969 4985
Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck Email  
German Prof. Dr. Christoph König Email phone: 0541 969 4030
Romance Studies Prof. Dr. Susanne Schlünder Email phone: 0541 969 4443
Jonathan Thiessen Email phone: 0541 969 4021
Subject Name E-Mail Phone
Cognitive Science Prof. Dr. Sven Walter  Email phone: 0541 969 3360 
Petra Dießel Email phone: 0541 969 3355
Psychology Christopher Klanke Email phone: 0541 969 4414
Philosophy Charles Lowe Email phone: 0541 969 7106
Subject Name E-Mail Phone
Inter-Institutional Elena Romanenchuk   Email phone: 0541 969 2685    
Sarah Bokel Email phone: 0541 969 2748


Matt LeMieux


phone.: 0541 969 4626

Networking and Campus Life

Studying and living at the University of Osnabrück takes place on two campuses. The humanities and social sciences as well as many administrative buildings are located on the campus in the city center. The Westerberg campus is home to the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, cognitive science and environmental systems science. The interactive map helps students find their way around.
Access to the university buildings is possible without restrictions as well as the use of the services of the university library.
Visiting the cafeterias is an important part of campus life at Osnabrück University and there are no restrictions at all.

Questions? Remarks? We're here for you!

We would like to support you with all questions you may have before and during your stay at UOS. Should you have a question, a remark or just the need to talk, please do not hesitate to contact us.