The Institute for Mathematics of the Department Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics is looking for a
Research Assistant (m/f/d)
(salary grade E 13 TV-L, 75%)
starting from October 15, 2025 for a duration of three years.
The hired research assistant will be jointly supervised by Prof. Paul Breiding (University of Osnabrück) and Dr. Aida Maraj (Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and
Your tasks:
- Participation in research group “Applied Algebra and Data Analysis”.
- Participation in the Emmy-Noether research group „Numerical and Probabilistic Nonlinear Algebra“ (DFG-Project)
- The opportunity for a obtaining a PhD (Dr. rer. nat.)
- Participation in the teaching of the Mathematics department
Requirement for employment:
- A very good master’s degree in mathematics
Ideally, you possess:
- A structured and independent way of working
- Interest in interdisciplinary research
Osnabrück University is a family-friendly university and is committed to helping working/studying parents balance their family and working lives.
Osnabrück University seeks to guarantee equality of opportunity for women and men and strives to correct any gender imbalance in its schools and departments.
If two candidates are equally qualified, preference will be given to the candidate with
disability status.
Please submit your application, including the usual documents (CV, certificates, diplomas), in electronic form (PDF file), and separately enclose the form "Application profile" (DOCX, 24 kB), until April 6, 2025 to Ms. Petra Schoppenhauer (petra.schoppenhauer@uni-osnabrueck.de).
We look forward to receiving your application.
For further information regarding this job posting, please contact Prof. Dr. Paul Breiding, pbreiding@uni-osnabrueck.de.