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[Translate to English:] Nahaufnahme schreibende Hand auf Prüfungsblatt

Tests of language proficiency

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Foreign language courses: For the moment students interested in our courses do not need to sit for an obligatory placement test.However, if you are interested in a placement test for the sake of self-assessment, you can find one well in advance of the upcoming semester on our News and Events page.

If you intend to take a German course at the Language Center, you need to check carefully before registration whether you are required to take a placement test to determine your proficiency level in the language. You will find the dates for placement in the German courses in good time on our News and Events page. You do not need to sit for a placement test, if you would like to register for a course for absolute beginners, at level A1 of the CEFR. However, if you want to sign up for a course for intermediate or advanced learners and you have never taken a course in this particular language at the Language Center before, you have to either take a placement test or submit a German language proficiency test certificate (e.g. TestDaF, DSH, telc or Goethe-certificate). In these cases, please contact Claudia Nathaus.

Osnabrück University is an accredited TestDaF testing center. The TestDaF examinations are usually offered six times per year. More information concerning test dates as well as access to the online registration portal can be found on the website of the TestDaF-Institute

If you have any further questions about the TestDaF examinations, please contact Claudia Nathaus.

Students of Osnabrück University may obtain a DAAD Language Certificate to certify their proficiency in a foreign language. This certificate is primarily for students who wish to spend a semester or a year abroad and who intend to apply for a scholarship or financial assistance. Please check out the information published by the University’s International Office on whether the DAAD language test is suitable in your case and where you should take the test.
Please note that the Language Center offers a total of 5 test dates for the DAAD Language Certificate throughout the academic year, usually in January, April, June, October and December. For each test date up to 20 students can register. If you wish to take this test, please ensure to register in time.
For more information concerning test dates and the registration procedure, log on to the University’s learning management system (Stud.IP) and search for “DAAD-Sprachtests für Auslandsaufenthalte”.

Please contact,if you have further questions.