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German as a Foreign Language

To help international students complete their studies successfully, the Language Center at Osnabrück University offers a broad range of courses in German as a Foreign Language at basic, intermediate and advanced levels of proficiency according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). In addition, we offer tailor-made courses to support our international students’ acquisition of German for academic purposes. This wide range of classes allows students to consolidate their general language proficiency in German as well as to develop a familiarity with communicative practices in German in an academic context. If you participate regularly (80% attendance) and pass the final exam, you may obtain credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Classes with 2 contact hours are awarded 3 credits, classes with 4 contact hours 6 credits and classes with 8 contact hours a total of 9 credits.

The following table shows an overview of CEFR levels in relation to our course titles:

Course titles and CEFR levels
Course title CEFR level
A1/A2 Basic User: beginner and elementary levels
B1/B2.1/B2.2 Independent User: intermediate and upper intermediate levels
C1 Proficient User: advanced level

Please note that you can only participate in our German courses if you are student or employee of Osnabrück University. We cannot admit external participants.

Placement tests for German as a Foreign Language

In order to sign up for a German language course, you are required to participate in a placement test. A demo version of the placement test is available at It can be taken during the Welcome Week at the beginning of each semester. Information concerning dates and times can be foundhere.

Do you have more questions?

Kindly refer to the following list of frequently asked questions (PDF, 644 kB) (German/English) to find out more about placement and registration procedures for our German language classes.

Our courses

SoSe 2025


If you participate regularly (80% attendance) and pass the final exam, you may obtain credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Classes with 2 contact hours are awarded 3 credits and classes with 4 contact hours 6 credits.

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Head of German as a Foreign Language

Claudia Nathaus, M.A.

Tel.: +49 541 969-4977

Raum: 52/121
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück

Sprechzeiten: über Stud.IP buchbar