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Employment in Germany

© Universität Osnabrück / Uwe Lewandowski
Internationals Welcome!
Are you an international student of the UOS? Do you have any questions about finding and applying for a job in Germany and would like to learn more about the regional job market?
We are looking forward to hearing from you
Rouven Brinkmann
Phone: +49 541 969 4625
Whether you are looking for a part-time job to finance your studies, need an internship or want to start your career in Germany after graduation, we will show you different ways to find the right employer in Germany - from the first orientation to research on the Internet to the job interview.
Topic Overview
- Project Study and Stay @OS
- Events
- Online course "Bewerben ins Deutschland" for international students (in German)
- Knowledge databases on working in Germany
- Working during your studies
- Internship Search/Job Search
- Study financing
- Legal advice and discrimination during studies
- Career and vocational counseling
- Dropout/doubts
- Doctorate/PhD Programs
- Founder Consulting/Founder Coaching
- Visa and residence matters
- Translations
- Networks and Networking
- Further contacts persons and advisory services
Knowledge databases on working in Germany
Make it in Germany
The multilingual website of the Federal Government for skilled workers from abroad
Make it in Germany is the German government's multilingual website for qualified professionals from around the world who want to work in Germany. It offers information starting with making preparations in the country of origin, to arriving and taking the first steps in Germany. Prospective international students gain insight into studying in Germany. Graduates learn about work opportunities in Germany, how they can best organize their job search, and what German application procedures entail.
The website provides a compact guidebook for download on topics such as job search, visa, application, etc:
Ratgeber: Arbeiten in Deutschland (PDF in German; limited accessibility for people with disabilities)
Guide to Working in Germany (PDF in English, limited accessibility for people with disabilities)
The website’s media library contains experts’ and explanatory videos as well as webinars on working in Germany.
In addition, Make it in Germany offers an overview of important partner networks that allow you to access additional and more in-depth content:
Study in Germany
The official campaign by the Federal Government for Germany as a study location
The Study in Germany website also offers tips on how to successfully start a career in Germany
Highly qualified migrants for small and medium-sized companies
The project "WelKMU - Highly Qualified Migrants for Small and Medium-Sized Companies" aims to prepare students and young university graduates with a migration background for the German labor market at an early stage, to integrate them into companies, and to employ them permanently. The website offers a wide range of information on starting a career at small and medium-sized companies.
An excellent, comprehensive brochure on finding employment in Germany is available for download (German language only). The brochure describes in detail all relevant topics, from orientation and planning, to job search, application, and interview:
Brochure: Make it work! (PDF in German, limited accessibility for people with disabilities)
Working during your studies
Students from non-EU countries enrolled in a regular study program are usually allowed to work 120 full or 240 half working days per calendar year without approval by the Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbehörde).
Barring the 120 approval-free days, students may pursue jobs as research or student assistants without approval and without any time limits.
Please note: Internship and work placements (paid or unpaid) are regarded as gainful employment and therefore require approval by the Foreigners' Office. Only compulsory internships that are mandatory components of a study program do not require approval.
Students from EU member states have the same employment privileges as German students. They may work up to 20 hours per week. They may also be self-employed.
Internship Search/Job Search
Many jobs are offered on the University’s “Schwarzes Brett” (notice board), so keep your eyes open. There is also an online notice board, where local businesses regularly place “help wanted” ads.
The search engine and database of the Federal Employment Office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) or (industry-specific) online job databases and meta-search engines (e.g.; also see brochure WelKMU p. 17) provide useful information on job searches and applications. In addition, employment ads/postings can often be found directly on company websites. A visit to job fairs can also be worthwhile.
In addition, EURES, a European cooperation network of employment agencies promoting the free movement of workers, offers an overview of job postings throughout Europe: EURES - The European Job Mobility Portal.
On the website of Osnabrück University’s discontinued Career Service project you will find further information.
Study financing
The explanatory video of the “Deutsches Studentenwerk” (German Student Services) explains requirements and options for financing your studies as an international student, legal restrictions for short-term and marginal employment, and gives practical tips for planning your studies in Germany.
- YouTube-Video: Tipps für internationale Studierende – Wie finanziere ich mein Studium in Deutschland (German)
- YouTube-Video: Tips for International Students - How do I finance my studies in Germany? (English)
Legal advice and discrimination during studies
The department for foreign students of the AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) advises on all questions regarding studies, residence in Germany, visa matters, housing, general questions about the city of Osnabrück, and related concerns. For all student legal problems and questions, the AStA legal advice is the right place to go.
In case of unfair disadvantage and discrimination, the Equal Opportunity Office will advise you:
Career and vocational counseling
The staff of the Federal Employment Office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) will advise you in all matters pertaining to starting a career in Germany.
- Federal Employment Office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
“Fachstudienberater*innen” (specialized academic advisors) are representatives of a subject or a degree program (usually academic staff or professors). They advise you in all subject-related concerns for your study/degree program of choice .
A list of contacts for each subject can be found under the keyword "Fachstudienberatung" on the website of the Central Student Advisory Service:
The individual Schools, the International Office, and the ZePros will advise you on the topic of doctoral studies.
For diversity-sensitive job and career counseling, you can contact the Equal Opportunity Office:
If you are thinking about dropping out of your degree program and finding a job, the following s services will prove useful to you:
„Netzwerk Neustart“ (Network New Beginning) advises on finding employment despite having dropped out
- „Projekt Neustart“ at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Osnabrück - Emsland -Grafschaft Bentheim
- „Projekt Neustart“ at the Chamber of Commerce Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim
Doctorate/PhD Programs
The individual Schools, the International Office and the ZePros will advise you on the topic of doctoral studies.
Founder Consulting/Founder Coaching
Transfer and Innovation Management (TIM) is a joint institution of Osnabrück University and the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, and is the central contact point for all members of both universities who are interested in founding a company.
Visa and residence matters
As a graduate of a German university, you can accept a job in Germany that corresponds to your studies. You can obtain the necessary residence permit from the relevant Foreigners' Office. If you have not yet found a suitable job after completing your studies, you can obtain a residence permit from the Foreigners' Registration Office for 18 months to search for a job that matches your qualifications. During this time, you may take up any activity to ensure your livelihood. (Source: Guide: Working in Germany)
You can obtain further advice and support from the relevant immigration authorities:
- Foreigners' Office City of Osnabrück (Ausländerbehörde Stadt Osnabrück)
- Foreigners' Office County Osnabrück (Ausländerbehörde Landkreis Osnabrück)
If you are looking for interpreters and translators, the following database can help you:
Interpreter and translator database of the state judicial administrations (Dolmetscher- und Übersetzerdatenbank der Landesjustizverwaltungen)
Networks and Networking
The Federal Association of Foreign Students (Bundesverband ausländischer Studierender BAS e. V.) represents the interests of foreign and stateless students as well as students with migration experiences in Germany. BAS is the nationwide association of foreign student representatives at German universities. Members are the student bodies (AStA, StuRa, StuVe etc.).
Federal Association of Foreign Students (Bundesverband ausländischer Studierender)
Further contacts persons and advisory services
The following institutions can advise you:
You may face a number of challenges during your studies. The German Student Services (Studentenwerke) offer you help and support in all questions concerning your studies, family, housing, and finances. You will receive individual, free, and confidential advice:
- Osnabrück Student Services (International Students Department)
- Osnabrück Student Services (Social Counseling Department)
- German Student Services
From language development courses, to occasional studies and leisure activities: students and teaching staff at Osnabrück University have developed a range of offers and initiatives in a bid to, support and welcome refugees in and around Osnabrück:
STUBE Niedersachsen is a policy-oriented development program accompanying your studies. It is a forum for questions of sustainable education and development as well as personal future planning. STUBE offers educational, counseling, and support services primarily to students from Africa, Asia, and Latin America who are studying at universities in Lower Saxony:
Survey of international students at UOS on the topic of job search and career entry in Germany
At the end of 2020, the project "Study and Stay @OS" conducted a survey among international students of the UOS on the topic of job search and career entry in Germany. Based on these results, various offers and measures catering to the needs of international students will be derived within the project period in order to support the target group in the transition to the regional job market.
Survey results (download with limited accessibility for people with disabilities) (PDF, 667 kB)