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Admission requirements

To be admitted to study at Osnabrück University, applicants must have a secondary school diploma equivalent to the German Abitur (Educational requirements). For direct admission, very good German language proficiency is also required. Applicants must have a high level of German language skills at the time of applying (mostly C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)). Certain study programs may also require knowledge of other languages.
Applicants from Vietnam ,China and India must comply with special regulations.
General student advising
General information about study opportunities can be acquired from the Study Counceling Service
Educational requirements
Secondary school diploma
All students, foreign as well as German, need a school leaving certificate that entitles them to attend a university (university entrance qualification). Foreign students applying to a German university must have a secondary school leaving certificate that entitles them to study in their home country. For those who can only study certain subjects with the school certificate from their home country, this subject binding also applies in Germany. In this case, one speaks of a subject-related university entrance qualification. A completed undergraduate university degree usually entitles to study in all subjects at Osnabrueck University.
A number of foreign secondary school diplomas are recognized in Germany and are thus equivalent to the German Abitur. For some countries, a combination of a school leaving certificate and certificates from one or two years of university studies is required in order to be admitted to study in Germany. To find out whether your diploma is recognized in Germany, check the anabin website (in German)
Grade point avarage
A limited number of places are available in some study programs (in German). In this case, your average grade is a crucial factor for admission.
What if your secondary school diploma is not equivalent to a German Abitur?
Secondary school diplomas from some countries are not recognized as equivalent to the German Abitur. You can find out whether your diploma will be accepted by checking the anabin website (in German) or Check: university admission (in English). Applicants from these countries can, under certain conditions, take an assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung). Once passed, this test will allow the person to study certain subjects in Germany. Normally, applicants can take the assessment test after following a one-year preparatory course (Studienkolleg) in Germany. Please note that no preparatory courses are held in Osnabrück. Applicants will be sent to preparatory courses in Hanover.