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Key Events at Osnabrück University
In addition to the large number of events that are organized by the university’s schools and institutes (Calendar; in German) the university itself also organizes a number of major events. The university ball, university speeches and the Osnabrücker Wissensforum (Osnabrück Knowledge Forum) bring together current and former members of the university as well as guests from Osnabrück and the surrounding region. But other types of event such as university music performances or the Osnabrücker Friedensgespräche (Osnabrück Peace Forum) are also popular among the general public. And finally, the university likes to celebrate its students’ particular achievements and social engagement by hosting award ceremonies for scholarships.
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![[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der Preisträger und Stifter der Förderpreise auf der Bühne im Osnabrücker Schloss [Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der Preisträger und Stifter der Förderpreise auf der Bühne im Osnabrücker Schloss](/fileadmin/documents/public/6_presse_oeffentlichkeit/6.2_veranstaltungen/Verleihung_Foerderpreise_252x.png)
Award Ceremony for Grants and Funding Prizes
March 6, 2025
This ceremony honors important dissertations and other noteworthy contributions by students and is financed by regional and nationwide donors.

May Week
May 17, 2025
In May 2025, Unimusik will once again be performing on the stage in front of the town hall!

University ball
June 13, 2025
Once a year, the university hosts a glamorous ball once a year. All dance enthusiasts who do not belong to the university are also cordially invited.
![[Translate to English:] Preisträger bei der Übergabe der Urkunde [Translate to English:] Preisträger bei der Übergabe der Urkunde](/fileadmin/documents/public/6_presse_oeffentlichkeit/6.2_veranstaltungen/linkbilder_start/hmp.png)
Prizes for Good Academic Teaching
June 26, 2025
The university awards three Hans Mühlenhoff prizes for good academic teaching. What is special about these prizes is that students nominate their favorites from among their professors and lecturers
![[Translate to English:] Schlossansicht [Translate to English:] Schlossansicht](/fileadmin/documents/public/6_presse_oeffentlichkeit/6.2_veranstaltungen/6.2.9_promotionsfeier/bilder/promotionsfeier-cr.png)
Doctoral Awards Ceremony
July 4, 2025
The City of Osnabrück and the university hosts ceremonies in the town hall and in the great hall of the university to congratulate the university’s doctoral graduates on having successfully passed their doctorates.
![[Translate to English:] Hunderte Studierende strömen in die OsnabrückHalle [Translate to English:] Hunderte Studierende strömen in die OsnabrückHalle](/fileadmin/documents/public/6_presse_oeffentlichkeit/6.2_veranstaltungen/linkbilder_start/erstis.png)
Welcoming Ceremony for Freshers
October 7, 2025
At the start of the winter semester, the president of the university extended a warm welcome to all “freshers”. The newcomers to the university could also visit various stalls and booths to get an impression of university life and the culture of the city.
![[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der Deutschland-Stipendiaten auf der Bühne im Osnabrücker Schloss [Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der Deutschland-Stipendiaten auf der Bühne im Osnabrücker Schloss](/fileadmin/documents/public/6_presse_oeffentlichkeit/6.2_veranstaltungen/linkbilder_start/d-stip.png)
Award Ceremony for “Deutschland” Scholarships
November 20, 2025
On this special occasion, selected students are awarded a certificate in acknowledgment of their scholarship, which is funded by the Federal Government, private donors, foundations and businesses.
![[Translate to English:] Publikum und Bühne in der Schlossaula, auf der Bühne die Wissenschaftler des Wissensforums [Translate to English:] Publikum und Bühne in der Schlossaula, auf der Bühne die Wissenschaftler des Wissensforums](/fileadmin/documents/public/6_presse_oeffentlichkeit/6.2_veranstaltungen/linkbilder_start/w-forum.png)
Science goes public
More about the Science goes Public
Science goes Public communicates science - with short lectures, in a talks and activities. The current date will be announced shortly.
Other events in cooperation with university departments, the student advisory service and the City of Osnabrück:
University Open Day
What should I study? And what does studying mean for me? The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) in collaboration with the university departments organizes a varied information program for people interested in embarking on a course of study.
Osnabrück Peace Forum
It is our responsibility to defend and maintain peace. But how? Podium discussions involving eminent guests from the fields of science, politics and society examine topics related to this key issue..
University Music
Ranging from chamber concerts to a jazz night, ensembles from the Department of Music and Music Education offer a creative and sophisticated program of music.
Want to know more about the planning and organization of these events? Our contact persons in the university event management (in German) would be happy to answer your questions.